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14 Days To Looking 10 Pounds Lighter Without Long-Term Dieting

By Dr.kareem

Your body won’t look ‘right’ by simply losing weight — it’s important that you re-shape your body through proper fat loss methods. In recent months, science has proven that losing weight at a rate of 1-2 pounds a week doesn’t work without an inevitable plateau effect. If 1-2 pounds per week were an effective way to lose weight, you would have disintegrated within about a year… it’s untrue.

The best way to lose weight, or even better — lose bodyfat — is by aggressively pursuing a rapid fat loss protocol. The goal shouldn’t be to slowly lose weight; instead, consider using ‘sprint’ periods for weight loss and fat loss goals. Follow these with ‘maintenance’ periods and you’ll witness a remarkable result. On the other hand, lose weight slowly and your metabolism will stabilize along the way, ultimately leading towards a slower effect over time.

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist, I learned quickly that not ‘everything’ we learn in school is current and up-to-date. The foundation is great, but keeping an eye on what’s ‘actually working’ is even more important — that’s where clinical experience comes into play. I’ve taken 2 approaches to ensure the information you’re about to read is both based upon scientific fact, as well as clinical real-life outcomes:

  1. I’ve studied at the world-leading universities to become an expert in the human body, as it relates to movement.
  2. I’ve developed a network of other health professionals, personal trainers, and nutritionists that have helped me build a following of over 110,000 people to date — in fact, this article will be read by up to 12 million people as a result of this network — because the best health professionals in the industry believe in my ability to help you lose weight and get the body you deserve.

717 Rule: 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet

All the best,


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