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5 Ways to Get Tan Faster

It’s summertime, so people everywhere are trying to prepare for pools and the beach. For some people, that means getting a nice golden tan. People typically associate tans with healthy, outdoor lifestyles.

If you’re looking for a tan, your success sometimes hinges on where you are and how much time you have to sit outside and let the sun do its work. Building a lovely natural tan is hard. It takes spending hours out under the sun and using the right products to get the glow you’re looking for.

If you’re short on time, there are ways to get tan faster to help you look and feel your best. Here are some ways you can speed up your tan to make it seem like you’ve been putting in the time outside even though you’ve been busy at work or dealing with other things.

Tanning Salons Work

Whether sitting in a tanning bed or  doing things like spray tans, tanning salons will definitely make you look darker. But, especially with spray tans, you can choose your tone and, voila, you’re tan overnight.

The only problem with tanning beds or spray tans is that they don’t look 100% natural. People can usually tell that you’ve been tanning in salons. However, how much you care about their opinion is up to you.

A great option for people who want to get tan faster is to mix time spent out tanning naturally with a tanning salon membership. Then, you can go to the salon when it’s cloudy outside or after work and spend more time outdoors on the weekends to get a natural tan.

Use a Lower SPF Lotion

Laying outside for hours without using any sort of lotion is your ticket to a bad sunburn. Experienced tanners know they must use lotions and tanning oils to prevent burning and help turn their skin darker.

If you’re looking to get a faster tan, you should use a lower SPF lotion for tanning. It will let more of the sun’s rays through to work their magic on your skin. Keep alternating between applying lotion and oils for the best possible results.

Moisturize to Avoid Burning

One of the biggest challenges to getting a tan faster is avoiding sunburns because your skin and all of your hard work literally peel off. To reduce the chances of burning, you need to be diligent about applying lotions and oils while you’re out under the sun. In addition, you need to moisturize your skin when you’re not out tanning regularly. Find a high-quality moisturizer and apply it several times a day. Finally, keep your skin conditioned so that your tanning gets maximum results.

Erasing your gains when you tan is one of the biggest reasons why people can never get the tan they want. Find a routine that works and stick to it.

Choose the Right Times to Tan

The sun will be stronger and more concentrated during certain times of the day based on where you live and what season it is. Thankfully, you can use online portals and apps to find out when the best times to tan are.

Don’t waste your time trying to tan early in the morning or at any other time when the sun isn’t as strong. You’ll end up taking much longer to tan with mixed results. Instead, make sure you’re out tanning when you’ll get the best sun. You’ll save time and get a tan much faster. Every day before you tan, check when the best time will be, and make sure you’re out there to soak up the sun.

How Research Peptides Help with Tanning

For example, Melanotan 2, or MT-2, was initially developed by scientists at the University of Arizona in the 1980s as a sunless tanning option. It works by stimulating MC-1R, a melanocyte that causes the skin and hair to darken. The research peptide MT-2 might help tan faster according to the recent studies.

Note: Peptides should only be used as prescribed by a doctor. They are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for over-the-counter self-treatment and should not be purchased as dietary supplements.

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