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The Best Neck Workouts for an Injury-proof Neck


Do you sit in your office chair with slumped shoulders and head extended towards a screen the entire day? If you, like most of us, are surrounded by gadgets the whole day, the struggles of a sore neck might have knocked on your doors. Even regular gym-goers with a range of gym equipment at their disposal often suffer from the wrath of poor neck and shoulder muscles. That is where specific exercises for the neck and shoulders come into play.  

Why are Strong Shoulder and Neck Muscles Crucial in Sports?

  • During head contact during any sports, stronger neck muscles save you from concussions
  • They make it easier as well as safer for you to perform heading in soccer
  • You can successfully push your opponents away, play in offensive positions or prevent any attacks if you have well-built shoulders
  • They will help you limit the effect of blows directly to your body by absorbing the impact of the contact
  • They will reduce the risk of injury from overuse of neck and shoulders or harmful accidental contact during sports

Perks of Building a Strong Neck

The primary motive of working towards a strong neck with targeted exercises is to strengthen them for both aesthetic appeal and better endurance to concussions upon harmful contact. A healthy and muscular neck prevents and rectifies a wide range of health issues such as cervical and spine injuries and pain due to inappropriate posture.

Believe it or not, but a muscular neck also makes it easier for the respiratory system to function. The physiology of your breathing pattern involves the scalene muscles primarily responsible for regular respiration, while the platysma and sternocleidomastoid assist in heavy breathing. So if you injure your weak neck muscles, your respiration will suffer.

When Chris Nowinski, co-founder and executive director of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, mentioned, “I don’t remember neck strengthening being a big point of emphasis when I played football,” he was not the only one. Neck building exercises have not been a part of mainstream workouts for far too long. But with rising injuries and health risks with age, strong neck workouts have started to gain traction.

Neck Strengthening Exercises 

  • Neck flexionLie on a bench with knees bent, gently rest a weight plate on your forehead while supporting it. Lean your head back comfortably, and then slowly raise your head to let your chin contact your chest. Repeat.
  • Dumbbell/ Barbell Shrugs – This barbell or hex dumbbell neck exercise is as easy as it sounds. You will hold the weight while keeping your arms straight, then shrug your shoulders toward your ears and hold for 10 seconds. Gently lower your shoulders to start position and repeat.
  • Neck lateral flexionLie sideways on a bench with knees bent and neck hanging off. Secure a weight plate within a towel, rest it on the side of your head. Gently lower your head toward the floor while staying comfortable, and then back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
  • Neck extension This is one of the most convenient neck workouts. Place your hands behind the head with your neck in a neutral position, extend it while your hands offer suitable resistance. Return to starting posture by flexing your neck.
  • Neck rotationAs the name suggests, slowly look to the right and left while revolving your neck with your eyes.
  • Lateral Head Raise Hang a light weight set from your head with straps while lying sideways on a bench. Breathe and raise your head maximally, then lower it down gradually while keeping your eyes fixed. Keep the movement under control and repeat as desired.  

Consistently performing these neck muscle exercises in addition to incorporating proper home gym safety tips, is your way to a much-awaited life of no pain in the neck! How is that for the motivation to incorporate them into your workout routines? 

About the Author: Sancket Kamdar, a certified weightlifting coach, and a successful entrepreneur founded SF HealthTech with a single goal in mind – to bring high quality, international standard exercise equipment to help fitness enthusiasts and athletes reach the next level of fitness. When he’s not working on new equipment ideas and designs, he loves to create educational content about health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. He also writes to help budding entrepreneurs on running and growing a business, based on his experience.

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