In a world of computers, we either fight against rounded shoulders, a tight mid-back, and an extended neck… or we inevitably ruin our postures. No doubt about it, and no exceptions. Most of us realize this, see our backs rounding, don't particularly like how it makes our stomachs fold unto themselves, or our chests sag instead of boast. We feel achy at the tops of our shoulders, press on it and talk about how it 'good hurts,' and we continue on with our day.
Most everyone doesn't realize there are tiny little pain receptors buried in our shoulders firing all day long — like a grand finale of fireworks — and shutting our muscles down. Not only are we ruining the way our bodies are looking with our postural changes, but we are actually shutting down muscles, causing stretching to take place on our rotator cuff, and substantially increasing the risk of shoulder injury.
If you have the 'good hurt' on the top of your shoulders when you press in or get a massage, please read this right away:
Do You have Rounded Shoulders? — Find out if there's anything you can do.
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