Home / Featured Writers A - I / Jeff Anderson / A Quick Tip For Bigger PUMPS…

Those of us who eat 45lb iron plates for breakfast LIVE for that awesome "pumped up" feeling you get after an intense set of bicep curls, right? That muscle "pump" is the result of a naturally occurring molecule, nitric oxide (abbreviated "NO"), that dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow throughout your body. Bottom line... ...the more nitric oxide you have in your body, the more of a "pump" you'll get from your curls, flyes, presses, etc.

A Quick Tip For Bigger PUMPS…


Your Internet Fitness Resource Site
– AtoZfitness Article –
A “Quick Tip” For Bigger PUMPS…

By Jeff Anderson

Those of us who eat 45lb iron plates for breakfast LIVE for that awesome “pumped up” feeling you get after an intense set of bicep curls, right?That muscle “pump” is the result of a naturally occurring molecule, nitric oxide (abbreviated “NO”), that dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow throughout your body.Bottom line…

…the more nitric oxide you have in your body, the more of a “pump” you’ll get from your curls, flyes, presses, etc.

(And yes…the “pump” DOES help increase muscle size as over time by promoting capillary expansion, increasing blood pathway size, and increasing nutrient update.)

So how can you increase your natural levels of nitric oxide for a better pump?


How To Increase Nitric Oxide NATURALLY…


About 30-45 minutes BEFORE your workout…

…eat an ORANGE!

Oranges are high in VITAMIN C which are a potent “protector” of nitric oxide levels in your body, thereby making more available during your workouts.

Then, in your post-workout protein shake, throw in ANOTHER orange (preferred) or pour in about 1 cup of natural orange juice.

This double shot of vitamin C will pack a powerful pump punch that will have you feeling good…and looking good!


Here’s My Favorite Post-Workout Smoothie…


In a blender, combine:

=> 1 cup of fat free plain yogurt
=> 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla soy milk
=> 1/4 cup raw honey
=> 1 whole orange or 1 cup natural orange juice
=> 5 frozen strawberries
=> 1/2 frozen banana
=> 2 Tbsp canola or flax oil
=> 2 scoops vanilla whey protein isolate powder

Blend…chug…BUILD! 😉

Your “Champion For The Average Joe & Jane”

The “Muscle Nerd”
Jeff Anderson


P.S. – If you’re looking to REALLY jack up your pumps , then here’s what to do…

Use my “secret recipe” from my “Homemade Supplement Secrets” program at:

http://homemadesupplements.atozfitness.com  <= Click For My PERSONAL Recipes

I include a powerful, natural supplement combo to take before bed in the evening that will not only give you a wicked pump in the gym…

…but naturally shoot your muscle-building hormones through the roof for increased muscle mass!

My clients SWEAR by this recipe because it WORKS like crazy!

It’s just one of the 28 recipes I’ve made available at:

http://homemadesupplements.atozfitness.com <= Download One Free Recipe Now

Jeff “The Muscle Nerd” websites :

Training Sites:
http://combatyourownfat.com <= Abs, Abs, Abs…The MILITARY Way!
http://advancedmassbuilding.atozfitness.com  <= Total MASS BUILDING!
http://musclespecialization.atozfitness.com  <=Target any Muscle Group and watch it grow !
www.HardgainerProjectX.com <= Defeat Your SUCKY GENETICS Now!

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