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When was the last time you really had that "chest poke pain" You know...like when 24 hours after your chest workout, you can't stop poking your pecs with your finger to marvel at how much it hurts? Yeah, it's a secret pleasure of mine too! (ha ha!) If it's been a while, then here's a "Quick Tip" I did last week that will have YOU pokin' away by tomorrow evening:

your PECS will be dialing 9-1-1 after this…

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your PECS will be dialing 9-1-1 after this…

By Jeff Anderson
When was the last time you really had that “chest poke pain”

You know…like when 24 hours after your chest workout, you can’t
stop poking your pecs with your finger to marvel at how much it

Yeah, it’s a secret pleasure of mine too! (ha ha!)

If it’s been a while, then here’s a “Quick Tip” I did last week
that will have YOU pokin’ away by tomorrow evening:


“Quick Tip” For Pec-Poking Pain…


(Warning to “skimmers”: This will LOOK like a simple, giant
“tri-set”, but there are a few twists so READ EACH STEP!)

1. First, you’re going to be using the bench press for this
exercise (your favorite, right ? 😉

2. Choose a weight that you can do for about 12 reps before hitting
failure BUT (and this is IMPORTANT!) load up the bar with either
10lb or 25lb plates so that you can quickly take off 50% of what
you have loaded on each side.

(Sure, you’ll look like a whuss! But ARE you? Hell no…so “grab
’em” like you got a pair and don’t give a sh*t what the other guys
think! 😉

3. Now, do a traditional set on the bench press until you reach
full muscular failure.

4. As soon as you rack the weight, jump up and strip 50% off each

5. NEXT…with no rest, grab the bar with a WIDE, WIDE grip (up to
12 inches past your shoulders) and knock out your reps to failure.


Side Note: This works by really taking your burned out triceps out
of the picture as much as possible and give you a WICKED PUMP in
your chest!

Read on…


6. LASTLY…as soon as you hit failure and rack the weight, with no
rest, grab a dumbbell (just about 30-50 lbs will do nicely) and do
a set of Dumbell Pullovers, keeping your arms VERY, VERY STRAIGHT
(to take your triceps out of the movement even more) and feel a
good stretch in your chest at the bottom.

This will allow you to really burn out your Type 1 muscle fibers
for a serious Growth Hormone response and a massive pump!

Once you hit failure, give yourself a good 2-3 minute rest to
recover and run through this giant set one more time.

That will give you 6 total “chest sets” and the next day all your
co-workers will be wondering why you keep poking your chest and
wincing! 😉

Enjoy !

Your “Champion For The Average Joe & Jane”
The “Muscle Nerd”  Jeff Anderson

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