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ASG Lottery <-- 10-minute HIGH SPEED Fat Loss (FREE)

Holy Squat  my friend Dr.Kareem allowed me to share this free workout with my subscribers.
This time I’m posting it here on my blog but in future I will just be spending these specials to
my subscribers so consider signing up at the right and stay informed 🙂


There are three competing theories of where movement initiation training
should take place, depending upon research done in each specialty:

1.     Movement begins at the foot (preferred by Podiatrists)

2.     Movement begins at the head/neck (preferred by Neurologists,
Neurosurgeons, & many Orthopedics)

3.     Movement begins at the pelvis (preferred by Physical Therapists)*

*When I learned this for the first time, this was the moment that my professor
began thrusting his pelvis in the front of the room saying “I’m pretty sure
WE’RE ‘right’ that it all begins right here :-)”


In today’s workout, we’re not going to make any assumptions.  We’re going
to dynamically challenge you through one of the most important movements
you can train your body to do well — the squat.

We’ll initiate moving through your pelvis as you squat down and back, then
we’ll explode upwards, forcing you to initiate through your feet (and glutes),
reach the top of the motion and add a upper body movement that forces
head/neck stability with a balance reaction below.

Today, we train your body to move, and we radically improve your fat loss
capability.  Get coordinated, one step and movement at a time, and go as
slow as you need to, while you go as fast as you can (form first.)

ASG Lottery <– 10-minute HIGH SPEED Fat Loss (FREE)

All the best,

If you have any questions, you can contact us by 
clicking here

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