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Abdominal Core Conditioning Program- Do’s and Don’ts

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Abdominal Core Conditioning Program- Do’s and Don’ts

by David Grisaffi 

Abdominal core conditioning program is a synergized and total
approach to abdominal training. The central region of the body is
known as the ‘core’ and is comprised of the abdominal muscles and
the lower back. These are the most important muscles in our body
which help us to function in our daily tasks, prevent injuries and also
make us look good if we shed that extra flab around it. The core is
the region from which we get all our strength and movement and is
also the focal point of balance. Hence, the conditioning of this
musculature is very important.
Moving from the outer-most to the inner-most, these muscles are
rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques and transverse
obliques. For conditioning the core area, all these muscles need to be targeted and worked out. Most of us do not see these muscles because of the flab on them but they are underneath and can emerge if we follow the abdominal core conditioning program. These are the so-called ‘fab six-abs’ which remain invisible on almost all, but the fittest of bodies.
Pulling in the abdominal wall is the main criteria in abdominal core
conditioning program, as this conditions the core muscles deep inside
and not just the upper layer of muscles. The abdominal exercises are
usually divided into three groups- upper, obliques and lower but the
upper and lower abdominals are not separate. Some exercises in
abdominal core conditioning program emphasize moving the lower
body more than the upper body, while others focus only on the upper
Here are a few do’s and don’ts of abdominal core conditioning:
Do warm up before starting your exercises by doing some simple
aerobic movements.
Do work the lower abdominals first, followed by the obliques and
lastly, the upper abdominals. The upper abdominals give support
when you are working out the lower abdominals but, if you do the
reverse, only the upper abdominals will get a total work-out.
Don’t work the upper abdominals first, as you will exercise those
muscles to the core leaving them pre-fatigued and will not be able to
do a challenging set of lower abdominals exercises.
Hip-flexors are joined to the lower vertebrae and doing any exercise
which involves a full 90 degree flexion of the hips will place emphasis
on the lower vertebrae getting more exercised than the abdominal
muscles. Don’t do sit-ups for this reason.
Do use a wide variety of exercises to improve your core and
abdominal region. You can find a wide variety of exercise in the Firm
and Flatten Your Abs E book
Do use a medicine ball, cables or exercises bands, as they will
increase your external load and ultimately improve your core area.
Don’t use your hands to carry the weight of your head; avoid tugging
at your head at any time doing any core flexion movements.
Remember – Spot-reducing fat loss will not happen with extra high

Fast movements should be avoided by all beginning core exercises.
The Firm and Flatten Your Abs System explains how important
exercise form is to success.
Do gradually progress from a firm ground to a more unstable setting
as you get better and master the core exercises, for example, a Swiss
ball to increase the strength of your nervous system.
Do not do crunches all the time, as they lead to overuse and poor
posture. Always make sure you do back exercises such as back
extensions on a Swiss ball…
Do gradually move from floor-based core exercises to standing
exercises for core movements.
By adopting these basics for abdominal core conditioning program,
you will reward yourself with a fit and injury-free body, not to mention
a great set of six-pack abs you always dreamt of. Check out my
book Firm and Flatten Your Abs by David Grisaffi at https://atozfitness.com/goto/flattenyourabs

If you have any questions, you can contact me by clicking here.

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