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This “superhero” move obliterates body fat (less than a minute, anybody can do)…

Remember horsing around as youngster…

… chasing other kids, everyone running about the same speed?

Then, one day, some of those kids started getting faster…

… and nobody could catch them anymore?

Their secret?

A special type of “superhero” muscle inside their bodies came alive.

It wasn’t just supreme athletic ability they enjoyed…

These fortunate few also went on to develop sculpted physiques:

…toned muscles, little body fat, nice angles and curves… even 6-pack abs!


It’s not just those genetically-gifted that have this “superhero” muscle…

… it’s found inside ALL of us!

And now scientists have discovered how we can activate it…

… so even we adults can enjoy its body-sculpting, metabolism-enhancing benefits.

Athletes activate this “superhero” muscle with special techniques:

high-power sprinting and explosive weight training.

However, thanks to special new type of “joint-friendly” movement…

…now everyone can enjoy this.

Busy executives, on-the-go moms and dads and empty-nesters…

… even ex-athletes and weekend warriors will love this.

You can make it as hard or easy as you want…

… it meets you where your body is at, right now.

Here’s the secret behind how it works:

– Your body has two types of muscle fibers…

– Type 1 are used with low-power daily activities like walking…

– Type 2 are for explosive moves like sprinting or jumping…

It’s those type 2 that are known for their “superhero” qualities…

Because when activated, they release a potent body-sculpting molecule:

IL-6… it’s nicknamed the “Arnold molecule”, after Arnold Schwarzenegger, the bodybuilder.

Bodybuilders are known for having extremely lean, sculpted physiques.

Yet they do almost no cardio… just weight training.

Scientists have been wondering:

“How is this possible?”

They’ve discovered it’s linked to IL-15’s unique body-sculpting ability.

It can force fat cells to shrink

… AND muscles to sculpt, tone and tighten.

That’s notoriously difficult for the human body to do.

It likes to do only one or the other, not both at the same time…

… yet that’s exactly what IL-15 does when activated by type 2 muscle fibers.

Here’s what’s even more exciting:

We thought IL-15’s body-sculpting benefits could only be unleashed with:

– heavy weight training…

– high power sprinting…

– explosive plyometric (jumping) moves…

That’s why you see Crossfitters, power-lifters and regular weekend warriors hammering away.

That’s ALSO why all-of-the-above are considered an orthopedic surgeon’s best friend:

All that pounding takes a toll

… and can damage joints, ligaments, shoulders, backs and knees.

However, we now know IL-15 can be unleashed with special “joint-friendly” moves.

These short moves take less than a minute…

… yet activate those potent “superhero” body-sculpting muscle fibers.

In fact, studies show something remarkable:

You can double the IL-15 in your body for up to 24 hours with these moves.

That’s a full-day of stomach-flattening, muscle-sculpting power…

… working automatically for you.

However, these moves have to be done in a very specific order…

… sequenced to achieve the right metabolic effect.

Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time…

… or potentially damaging your joints.

Here’s how to do it:

–> Shrink fat cells and sculpt your body by activating your “superhero” muscle…


PS – A recent study from the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine showed your skin may also benefit from enhanced IL-15. Those with elevated IL-15 had skin like someone in their 20s to 30s… and the study volunteers were all at least 65 year’s old! Do this 45-second exercise to boost IL-15

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