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ONE POUND of Bodyfat per Week (average) — [18 Week Plan F.REE]


www.AtoZfitness.com Your Internet Fitness Resource Site

Losing ONE POUND of bodyfat per week, on average,
is much more difficult than losing ten pounds in a week
or two… unless you follow these five steps:

ONE POUND of Bodyfat per Week (average)
— [18 Week Plan F.REE]
Normalize your results over time, prevent the ceiling effect
from taking place, and protect your metabolism while you
‘time’ your body to lose fat as fast as possible.  There is
only one ‘right answer’ for the type of workout you should
be doing in the next six weeks if you want to average a
pound of bodyfat every week until you get your ideal body.
Find out here:
ONE POUND of Bodyfat per Week (average) — [18 Week Plan F.REE]
have a great day,

If you have any questions, you can contact us by clicking here. 

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