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This week I was talking with one of my "Inner Circle" coaching clients, Justin, from my "Combat The Fat" weight loss program http://combatyourownfat.com You see, each month I open up my PERSONAL phone line to talk 1-on-1 with my "CTF Soldiers" to help them fine-tune their body transformation efforts. Justin was telling me about how people he knows have been coming up to him and commenting on how great he looks. Specifically, they've been noticing that his CHEST has been getting more muscular even as he's burned fat.

He SHOCKED His Friends With His Chest Building SECRET!


He SHOCKED His Friends With His Chest Building SECRET!”
By Jeff “Commander” Anderson

Just got this from my Commander Jeff 🙂

This week I was talking with one of my “Inner Circle” coaching
clients, Justin, from my “Combat The Fat” weight loss program

You see, each month I open up my PERSONAL phone line to talk 1-on-1 with my “CTF Soldiers” to help them fine-tune their body
transformation efforts.

Justin was telling me about how people he knows have been coming up to him and commenting on how great he looks.

Specifically, they’ve been noticing that his CHEST has been getting more muscular even as he’s burned fat.

And of course their question is…

…”How much can you BENCH?”

And Justin’s response SHOCKS them…

…”I don’t know. I’ve just been doing PUSHUPS for the past 6


Yeah…that’s right…PUSHUPS!

One of his friends even had the nerve to tell him there was NOW WAY pushups could outperform the Bench Press for chest development.


Because (he says), “If it did, football players would be doing
pushups instead of the Bench Press”!

Can you believe that?

Ok, first…football players DO use pushups in their training and
for the much the same reasons I use them in “Combat The Fat”.

Football players (the ones who actually have to run up the field)
need to be as LEAN and in shape as possible.

In fact, I’ve worked with getting some football players in shape
for tryouts and the increase in their field performance SOARED once I forced them out of that “weight room-only” focus and into doing “old school” pushups, pullups, and other bodyweight exercises.

Look Lewis…DON’T get caught up in that same idiotic thinking that Justin’s friend did.

When it comes to building muscle and burning fat, bodyweight
exercises RULE!

In fact, this coming Monday, I’m going to be interviewing a good
buddy of mine on how to take advantage of the entire “Old School” package…training, nutrition, you name it.

You can even join me for free if you’re a member of my “Underground Bodybuilding Tips” membership site!

(You’ll find all the details in the members’ area.)

Anyway, take a look at your own training program and see where you can add various bodyweight exercises to throw your body a
curveball…and get some GREAT RESULTS!

Your “Champion For The Average Joe & Jane”
The “Muscle Nerd”
Jeff Anderson


If you have any questions, you can contact me by clicking here.

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