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I'm warning you Lewis... ...I have NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF that the "quick tip" I'm about to share with you really works! But I can tell you that I've experienced some pretty freaky stuff in my lifetime and I believe this works. To start, let me bring you back to a sub-zero day in upstate New York when I was in the Army... We were out in the field, freezing our asses off for a full week in the snow and one day was especially cold.

A “Quick Tip” For Leaner Abs.

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A “Quick Tip” For Leaner Abs.

You know I’m always on the lookout for the most advanced health and wellness secrets to share with my readers of AtoZfitness.com , well this just came in my inbox from my buddy Jeff Anderson.

Here is what he said ….

I’m warning you Lewis…

…I have NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF that the “quick tip” I’m about to
share with you really works!

But I can tell you that I’ve experienced some pretty freaky stuff
in my lifetime and I believe this works.

To start, let me bring you back to a sub-zero day in upstate New
York when I was in the Army…

We were out in the field, freezing our asses off for a full week in
the snow and one day was especially cold.

Guys were getting frostbite left and right but we were hardcore so
our Commander wouldn’t stop our training exercise.

I remember thinking, “Holy $&%#!  I’m gonna DIE out there!”
(Waaaaaaaaah! 😉

But then I had a crazy idea…

I decided to “think” myself warm!

Yeah, sounds all “Jedi Mind Trick-ish”, I realize that.

But it WORKED!

Within about 5 minutes, I was so warm I actually had to take off a
layer of clothing!

The point is, I’m a FIRM believer in “mind over body”!

So here’s how to use this to BURN MORE FAT…

When I’m really looking to trim down my waist, I actually
“communicate” with my abs to get them to give me a hand.

Here’s how I do it…

First, on my cardio days, I do 3 SETS of hardcore abs exercises
(hanging knee raises with only 1 minute rest in between).

BTW – I’ve found that this works best during Day 2 and 4 of my
Combat The Fat workouts ( www.combatyourownfat.com ) as I’m better
able to use the next step…

NEXT…I get on the treadmill for my first cardio cycle.

Only what I’ve done is “tell” my body WHERE I want it to focus it’s
primary fat-burning efforts.

With my abs “activated” from the initial 3 sets, I’m more “aware”
of them and can keep my mind’s focus on them while “telling” my
body to start melting that blubber that’s covering them.

Don’t believe me that this works?

Hey, I don’t blame you! 😉

But I DID warn you that it was a bit freaky, didn’t I

Anyway, give it a try next time you’re doing any cardio and see if
you can’t “bring your mind and your abs together as one, young

Have a great week Lewis!

Your “Champion For The Average Joe & Jane”

The “Muscle Nerd”
Jeff Anderson


P.S. – If you’re using “Combat The Fat” (www.combatyourownfat.com), then I wouldn’t necessarily try this during your “CTF Pyramid” workouts.  It’s harder to focus your mind on your abs as you’re doing your other bodyweight exercises.

But you may be a more advanced Jedi than I am! 😉

combat the fat,Jeff Anderson,Muscle Nerd,military style fat loss,lose fat,bodyweight training


Lewis, Publisher


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