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One of the most common questions I‟m asked by those who have read my books or hundreds of articles, is... "Do you REALLY need supplements to build muscle and burn body fat?" Those that know my work understand that I have a real "love-hate" relationship with supplements. You see, it IS true that you can achieve great results without the use of supplements, the REAL truth is that you can achieve BETTER and FASTER RESULTS...

Great new Free e-book download Supplement Review Guide.

I just got my hands on a copy of  Jeff Anderson’s brand new Free supplement review guide.

Here is a short introduction to Jeff’s new f.ree e-book.

One of the most common questions I‟m asked by those who have read my books or hundreds of articles, is…

“Do you REALLY need supplements to build muscle and burn body fat?”

Those that know my work understand that I have a real “love-hate” relationship with supplements.

You see, it IS true that you can achieve great results without the use of supplements, the REAL truth is that you can achieve BETTER and FASTER RESULTS….

… but ONLY if you do it right!

Supplements AREN’T about picking up a bottle of fancy-schmancy, hyped up glamour pills and expecting fantastic results.

The supplements you pick, when you use them, and the amounts you ingest will all influence the effectiveness of your program, and all of that will impact your financial justifications as well.

But thanks to hyped up marketing of the “power” of supplements to magically

build muscle and blast away body fat, the average consumer‟s mind has been programmed that the path to a better body lies in the form of the latest cutting edge “breakthrough” supplement.

When frustration after frustration takes its toll on the high expectations of seeing some significant results like those of the steroid-fueled pro that graced the supplement ad, it‟s no wonder guys turn to dangerous steroids and other cocktails in an effort to achieve super-human bodies.

In the end, focusing on a soundly developed core supplement program, instead of relying on steroids and other drugs to build your physique or burn away body fat, will serve you MUCH better.

And that‟s the purpose of this Custom Supplement Program Design guide…

In these pages, I outline my 7-Step Process for creating your own custom-designed supplementation program that will fully support whatever your fitness goals, allowing you to achieve maximum results while saving you time, frustration, and money!

I hope it will remove some of the ?mystery? that intentionally clouds the average consumer‟s supplement choices and provides you with a step-by-step approach to taking you training (and RESULTS) to the next level.

So let‟s begin, shall we?

You can download your free copy here : https://atozfitness.com/cmdownloads/supplement-review-guide

Note no signup is required to grab this copy.


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