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Get Things Done! – The Action Machine

Get Things Done! - The Action MachineClick Image To Visit SiteThis system will allow you to easily take more action, and recapture lost hours in your day, lost days in your month, and even lost weeks in your year.

Over the past several years, I’ve taught this system 1000’s of people, and the results they’ve shared with me (some of which you’ll see below) have been nothing short of spectacular!

There are two obstacles that are likely preventing you from being a massive action-taker right now: A lack of clarity, and a lack of motivation.

Without clarity about what you need to do, and reasons for doing them, your mind easily wanders, and your heart lacks any kind of motivation for taking meaningful action. As a result, distractions and procrastination take over and your ability to produce significant results becomes of a fraction of your potential.

And, like you probably have, I spent a lot of time looking for a solution and experimenting with different tools, methods, and systems for helping me overcome those challenges. Then one day I stumbled across an article that described a simple action-taking system called ‘timeboxing.’

Almost immediately, I knew I had found the solution that I was looking for, because not only was timeboxing easy to understand and use, but it totally eliminated the two obstacles to taking action that we just talked about.

In other words, each action you need to take during the day represents a small ‘block’ of that day (a box, if you will). You determine how big of a box it is by how much time you set aside to accomplish it (a single day can consist of anything from just a few, to a dozen boxes). When you’re ready to take action, select a box, start a timer, and get to work!

How does timeboxing elminate the two obstacles to taking action that we talked about a minute ago? Here’s how:

If you practice these three simple steps regularly, it will totally revolutionize the way you get things done in your life – guaranteed!

As I began using timeboxing regularly, my software-developer brain kicked in, and I began to see how a software version of this system would enhance its effectiveness and ease of-use even further.

So, with these goals in mind, I brainstormed an idea, broke it up into timeboxes, and I went to work! 🙂

After a lot of ‘blood, sweat, and tears’, dozens of hours of testing, and a ton of user feedback, I’m please to introduce you to version 3 of this amazing action-taking software!

The Action Machine is built completely around the timeboxing concept, so it works because it’s simple to understand and use, and it ties together the three key motivating elements that push your brain to take action (we talked about these earlier):

When these three elements are brought together in the dynamic, automated environment of The Action Machine, the synergy totally transforms the way you psychologically and emotionally look at all the things you have to do.

Watch this short video, where you’ll see a demonstration of how to plan and complete a typical day of action:

I use it in combination with rescuetime.com which tracks exactly what I am doing online. This allows me to really ensure that I am sticking to my set out plan/schedule. It’s a fairly new system for me… so I am still getting used to it…. but so far so good.

By David Drake MS, Ph.D Professor of Microbiology, Vice President, Faculty Senate, Dows Institute for Dental Research, College of Dentistry University of Iowa

Normally I’m a pen-and-paper person, but have to… Read more…

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