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Shocking facts about Fruit Smoothies + the easy “fix”

Fruit smoothies are all the rage these days.

You can find them everywhere.

Even fast food chains like McDonald’s and Burger Kingare jumping on the bandwagon.

But the truth is even the so-called “healthy” versions contain a boatload of “hidden” sugars. 

Fattening, poisonous, immune system-destroying SUGAR. 

It might seem like drinking a fruit smoothie is a better choice than drinking a sugary soda, but many times they actually contain MORE sugar.

Just take a look at the nutrition labels my buddy NickPineault sent me today… 

– Jugo Juice’s large Mango Magic Smoothie contains 65g of sugar.

– A large McDonald’s McCafé Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie packs 70g of sugar. 

– A large Tropical Mango Smoothie from Burger King packs a whopping 85g of sugar. 

That’s 17 teaspoons of PURE sugar…

For some reason, people think that sugar from fruits is very different from white processed sugar.

Many times it’s not.

Of course, if you eat a whole fruit, you still get the fiber and the nutrients that will slow down the sugar rush coming to your body.

But 85 grams of sugar – from whole fruits or not – is the perfect fat STORING nightmare.

How To Fix What’s Broken With “Fruit Smoothies”

Instead of only blending fruits, combine your fruits with a ton of veggies.

And guess what? It won’t taste ANY different.

These are the types of smoothies that can… 

  • Detox your body
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Improve digestion health and strengthen your immune system
  • Normalize and optimize your hormones
  • Fix vitamin and mineral deficiencies through enhance absorption

But many times it’s difficult to know exactly WHAT specific combinations of fruits and veggies you need to use that meet all these metabolic needs AND taste great.

Well, you’ll be happy to hear that my buddy Vince DelMonte – a pro fitness model – and best-selling health author Drew Canole teamed up to create the “Get Juiced” system.

I worked very closely with Vince before he released his newArticle to the general public, and I truly believe this is MUSTKNOW information for every single one of us.

Before you check out this brand new article, I wanted to quickly give you this DISCLAIMER.

As you’ll see at the link below, this juicing system is specificallydesigned to help men and women improve their lean muscle mass…

…Because that’s what Vince does. He helps skinny guys gain muscle.

But guess what? 

Juicing is one of the best things you can do to keep your body alkaline and burning body fat. 

So ditch your “sugar smoothies” and stop trying to figure out if you’re getting enough fruits and veggies everyday.

This is your insurance policy that nothing will be stopping you from gaining muscle or burning fat:

            ==>101 Juicing Recipes That Supercharge Your Fat Loss

Time to “get juiced”!


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