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Crank Up Your Metabolism and Tighten Your Waist With Alternating Arm Kettlebell Swings

Guest post by Nick Nilsson for AtoZfitness

arm swings

I’ll be honest…most “normal” cardio training is extremely boring to me. It’s not fun (and I want to have fun when I’m training) and I’m not a fan of sitting on a machine and grinding away at something for 40 minutes.I’d much rather use resistance and do something challenging and fun that doesn’t really seem like cardio, though it actually ends up functioning as cardio.

That’s where Kettlebell Swings come in.

This is a GREAT exercise not only for doing cardio but you can also use it with heavier weights and do it for strength as well. It develops all the muscles of the posterior chain and is an excellent total-body strengthener.

When you do it for time, with lighter weight, it’s a very effective method of cardiovascular training as well, due to the sheer volume of muscle mass it works.

Now, just standing there and swinging a kettlebell is totally fine. However, once you get accustomed to (and/or bored with!) just that, it’s time to mix things up a bit. That’s where this version comes in.

You’re going to alternate swings of two arm, one-arm, two-arm, other arm. This is going to not only provide great cardio training, it’s going to target the core strrongly as well (especially the deep, anti-rotational muscles of the core, a.k.a the internal and external obliques).

This not only gives you cardio training for fat-loss, it gives you killer abdominal work at the same time (and the kind of abdominal work that acutally tightens up the waist!).

As you can see, this is a GREAT method and something definitely worth adding in to your routine.

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