Avoid THESE 2 dangerous metabolism-killing foods…
By Dr.Jonny Bowden
Right now I’m going to reveal the two metabolism-killing foods you
should avoid at all costs.
Because they’re holding you back from reaching your fat loss goals…
without you even knowing it.
Yes, these two “phantom fatty foods” silently force your body to pile
on the pounds.
You may have been told they’re good for you… but that’s just not true!
So what foods am I talking about?
You may be shocked to learn the humble potato is triggering your body to pack on fat.
That means potato chips, French fries and even mashed potatoes are out.
And how’s this for an unexpected obesity-enhancer?
The supposedly super-healthy bran muffin is, in fact, one of the WORST foods you can possibly eat if you want to lose weight.
You see, the potato and bran muffin’s secret is that they quickly get converted to glucose in your body. In other words, sugar.
Sugar gives you energy but at the same time kills your metabolism. And instead of burning fat, you end up packing on even more.
That’s their sugary secret and why you should avoid them like the plague.
But it gets worse.
There are other obesity-enhancing foods you eat every day. Foods which you think are healthy, but actually do nothing more than force ugly, dangerous fat accumulate around your hips, thighs and belly.
What are they?
Click the link below to find out right now…
>> Watch Video: 5 More Obesity-Enhancing Foods to Avoid
PS: There are other foods that so-called health experts are keen to push down your throats.
Don’t know why but be careful.
My friend, Dr. Jonny’s a pain in the backside of these experts and “Big Food”. That’s why he’s been called The Rogue Nutritionist.
Here he’ll explain 5 more foods you should avoid and what you should eat instead:
>> Watch Video: 5 More Obesity-Enhancing Foods to Avoid