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YK-11: The Shocking Truth About The World’s Strongest SARM

YK-11 is by far the most potent SARM available today and is only for the most hardcore, experienced users. Like other SARMs it promises mind-blowing results in quick time.

YK-11 SARM is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator or SARM for short. SARMs work to bind to the androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue. From here it works to prevent muscle breakdown and to increase fat burn. YK-11 is also referred to as a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin is a molecule which leads to the breakdown of muscle cells, so preventing the build up of this is essential for muscle growth.

YK-11, like most SARMs was developed for medical purposes, specifically for the prevention of muscle wasting conditions. This has made it immensely popular amongst bodybuilders looking for the closest legal alternative to anabolic steroids.

Because it prevents muscle breakdown, consuming YK-11 can lead to massive muscle gains and fat loss. The body naturally takes energy from muscle, but because YK-11 stops muscle breakdown, the body takes energy from stored fat cells instead. This leads to the development of lean muscle mass, for a lean, muscular look with high vascularity.

What separates YK-11 from most other SARMs is its potency. Widely regarded as the strongest SARM on the market, it needs to be taken in lower dosages and also has a few reported side effects. One of the main side effects seen is increased aggression, but reports of this are mainly anecdotal. There are also reports of suppression of natural hormone production while on YK-11, so a PCT (Post-Cycle Therapy) is recommended.

YK-11 is the perfect SARM for bulking and can be stacked with a number of different SARMs for increased results. MK-677, RAD-140 and Ligandrol are the perfect partners for this highly potent product.

YK-11 Key Benefits

Increase Muscle Mass
YK-11 is the perfect SARM for lean muscle gaining. YK works with androgen receptors in the body to prevent muscle loss even when at a caloric deficit. This has two effects; you will increase muscle mass naturally, and burn excess fat easily. This works to give you unrivaled lean muscle gain, offering a lean, vascular look that you are looking for.

Fat Loss

Because SARMs work to maintain the muscle, the body is forced to take energy from fat cells instead. This leads to increased fat burning, fat loss, and a leaner look all round. This means that SARMs work in multiple ways to help you achieve the look you want and need.

Strength Gain

YK has also been shown to help increase strength. Because muscle wastage is stopped, you will gradually develop strength at a rate you haven’t experienced before. Fully expect to be adding weight to your sets every week without even thinking about it. This is even better for that lean look as not only will you look bigger, you will feel stronger.

Super Potent

There is not a more potent SARM than YK-11. Dosage is lower than other SARMs just because of how strong it is. So if you’re looking for a SARM that will blow your socks off then this is the one for you.

SARMs gained popularity in the bodybuilding world thanks to their ability to gain lean muscle while burning excess fat. This shift first started in the 90’s but SARMs are now being used by recreational users in record numbers. Research into SARMs varies depending on the strain, some have had clinical trials on humans, such as Ligandrol, while some like YK-11 haven’t been tested on rats.

Like anytime you put anything into your body it is essential that you do your own thorough research. Investigate the potential positives and negatives of each product and make an informed decision based on all the evidence. Make sure to Buy YK-11 SARM from a trusted retailer. Ultimately there has not been enough research into SARMs to determine if they are safe.

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