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The Best Software for Bodybuilders


What is Always Gaining Bodybuilder Software?

Website: AlwaysGaining.com

Always Gaining is a personal training program designed for weight training. Designed for the needs of both beginners and advanced users alike, Always Gaining is the ideal solution for:

  • Individuals seeking to improve their health and appearance by building muscle or losing body fat.
  • Athletes seeking to improve their sports performance through strength training.
  • Personal Trainers and Strength Coaches who need a powerful analytical tool for designing and evaluating training programs.

The Always Gaining Difference

Most workout software on the market simply acts as a database for your information. That’s a nice feature, but it’s not very functional–after all, you could do the same thing using a simple notebook or a spreadsheet.

Always Gaining, however, puts a lot more power at your fingertips. In addition to tracking every detail of your training, Always Gaining also provides you with tools to plan new workout routines, monitor your strength levels, set new goals, and perform the kind of in-depth training analysis used by professional strength coaches.

With Always Gaining you can schedule your workouts in advance, print them to take with you to the gym, and then quickly and easily record your results. Always Gaining does the rest, calculating your strength gains, 1 rep maxes, training volume, and more. Always Gaining’s unique Analysis Module ties together all the data you enter in the program, including Cardio, Diet, Body Weight, Recovery, and Supplements, to put together a complete picture of how effective your training strategy really is. You’ll be able to determine:

  • The optimal combination of sets, reps, frequency, and intensity to reach your goals of increased strength or muscle size;
  • The effectiveness and impact of your diet and cardio training;
  • The effectiveness and impact of your supplementation;
  • Areas to adjust to fix strength imbalances or improve lagging body parts;
  • Correlations between your recovery state and your workout performance;
  • …and much more!


Always Gaining testimonials and success stories:

“I just wanted to drop you a quick line to say how much I love your program. I have been in the Air Force for over 15 years, and have used just about every tracking program out there. Yours by far is the best I have seen. It allows me to track every aspect of my training….not to mention the tracking of supplements and meals etc. I also found that having a printed workout log always keeps me on track as to what my goals are. It is very easy to get distracted when you are in the gym or forget what you are suppose to do. By having a printed routine, it keeps you right on target.

I think its great that you offer this product and I would recommend it for the novice trainer up to the advanced. Thanks again for a great product and keep me informed of later upgrades.”


“I want to thank you for developing such a fantastic program. After searching for many years for the right system to track my improvements, I came upon Always Gaining and have been satisfied ever since. The ease of use, the amount of info stored, the input screens and the support could not be better!!! The program allows us more time to train & less effort to track our gains. Keep up the great work!!!”


“You and your team really outdid yourselves with Always Gaining. I have been working out for most of my life, (I am now 62) and I have tried every workout program I could find. Always Gaining is incredibly user friendly and at the same time very sophisticated. Having the option of keeping track of as much or as little data as you want makes Always Gaining perfect for beginners and professionals alike. Thanks for a great workout program.”


“I have purchased several different weight lifting programs such as; Personal Training Workstation, Pro Track and Crosstrainer but I like using your program best and I really like your new version.”


“For years I fell off the exercise wagon every time the workout started to get stale, because changing it meant finding those old cards with old workouts on them and looking up how much weight I’d been lifting months ago on a particular exercise. With this program, a whole new exercise routine is a couple of seconds away. Now I don’t have those long layoffs between changes in routines.”


“Always Gaining has the best interface of any weight training software on the market at this time that I have seen, and I certainly would hate to lose this program. I may not use all of its sections, but what I do use, I find invaluable. The statistics and graphs are great, so tracking any strength gains from all the different perspectives [is] simple, [and] easy to follow.”


Check out Always Gaining the Best Software for Bodybuilders

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