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Complete 2012 Survival Guide, How To Survive 2012 Or Any Other Disaster.


Survive-Anything.comClick Image To Visit SiteYou see, when most people think “prepared” they think Boy Scouts and special forces soldiers.  The real survival experts.

To be honest, there is only a handful of survival experts in the world.  These guys will get America running if/when we get hit by a large scale terrorist attack, or riots start (won’t be long now since Obamacare isn’t working!).

These patriots are some of the toughest men we’ve got, and are going to single-handedly save thousands of lives.  And you won’t know who they are until it hits the fan.

The difference is, they are incredibly deadly, and ready for anything this messed up world has to throw at them.

The US government held over 700 “preparedness classes” this year, because they can see American families are in trouble.  If the government sees it, it must be pretty obvious.  And you’re much different than the “average” American. 

2.  You have to be able to dedicate every day of the next six months to prep work.  It’s a fact of life, most people can’t afford to quit their job and buy everything they need to prepare.  And they shouldn’t if they plan on providing for their family!

3. You must know practically everything about self defense, wilderness survival, basic food prep, power generation, etc.  There is years of information to learn – even if you spent all day studying!

Many guys have a great working knowledge of most of these topics, and can handle themselves pretty well in a little scrape or hike through the woods. 

But, put those same men into a full-scale conflict or wilderness survival experience, and they’re going to be worse than lost in the sauce.  They’re going to be dead. 4.  OK, let’s say you’ve got all the above.  Is there anything else you need? 

The difference between the ultra-prepared patriot, and the Average-American guy who just doesn’t cut it, is not that the patriot has so much more time, skills or even land. 

It boils down to who can afford to stay at home, go to self defense training camps, and finance large scale food-buys.

Getting your hands on a year’s supply of water, flour, beans, and rice isn’t cheap.  Building an underground bunker isn’t easy (understatement of the year).  Taking time off work is impossible.

Think about this: it’s $4,600 + shipping to feed your family (on crappy, dehydrated food) for a year.  Not to mention, you need some place to store it.

Then, block out a day to meet with some sleazy realtor, just to find out the land you’re looking at is about $525,000 outside your price range (though it is the perfect parcel – clear line of sight coming off that third hill, and just enough tree-cover to camouflage you). 

But seriously, where are you going to come up with an extra $4,600 right now? There’s just no way your average, hard-working American can afford to make his family safe.

Ultra survivalists know it’s not enough to have razor-honed wilderness skills, and a great plan.  They know you must be able to afford that plan. 

Let’s face it: what good is it to know the items you need to protect your family, if you can’t get it?

But, here’s the good news.  There are other ways of being prepared – that are totally opposite of conventional wisdom.

Right now, your family – your wife and your kids could be in danger.  If you woke up in the middle of the night because your house just got demolished by a: Read more…

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