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Family Survival Course

Family Survival CourseClick Image To Visit SiteThat’s right. Every day you’re being manipulated and lied to… kept in pitch dark, far away from the harsh REALITY that’s been eating our country alive.

I’m Jason Richards, founder of SurviveFoodCrisis.org and concerned citizen of the U.S.A. … and during research for my food shortage survival project… digging the Internet like I was in some Skavenger’s hunt… I stumbled upon some really disturbing facts …

Things that NO ONE ever tells us, concerned citizens, about the future of our country… and our families! "Secrets" buried under tons of useless information and too hard to reach for the usual Internet surfer (and I’ll reveal some of these hidden facts in just a second)…

So here’s what I did: I took the time to put all the data together… after all, it did concern my family, too… and I wanted to know exactly what danger they’re exposed to.

And for the next couple of weeks, I gathered all the information I could find… from the world’s greatest experts in economy, politics and sociology… all the articles they’ve written from 2008 (when the economic crisis hit), until now.

And put together… 112 documents from 14 different experts… they all ultimately led to the same conclusion. A conclusion that’s so frightening, I got shivers down my back thinking about my family’s future in this country…

Warning: This is a very tricky issue. Just like I did at the beginning, you might think "This is nothing new! I already knew that."… but what you don’t realize is just how REAL and IMMINENT this is… It’s actually SO close, it’s blood-curdling…

This means that in the current economic climate and the social panic that gets more psychotic every day… ANY mega disaster can cause a major crisis that will last NOT a couple of weeks… but months … or even YEARS!

And I’ll tell you more about this in a second… after I show you just a few things I found that prove we’re on the edge of the abyss (remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg… I don’t want to scare the bejeezus out of you):

Remember Hurricane Katrina, in 2005? Thousands of people were left on the streets FOR WEEKS, with nothing to eat or drink… even newborns and elders!… because there wasn’t enough food and water for all of them…

Well, you might think that after such a failure… We’d get prepared to the teeth for the next megadisaster… But here’s our situation now, as you’re reading this:

That’s it. 72 million MREs for 313,149,000 Americans! And if that wasn’t enough… they dare LIE to us every single day, saying they have enough supplies to feed the entire country, when the truth is…

Once "the Bread Basket Of The World", the U.S.A. is now in danger of turning back into a perpetual "Dust Bowl"… America has already lost 40% of rice crops, while almost a third of all corn grown in our country is now used for bio fuel.

We are forced to import 1/3 of our food , as our crops are no longer enough to feed the entire population.

And when people ask for more food than it can be produced, another dreadful situation occurs (you’ve surely already experienced this one… it’s called "that burning hole in your wallet"):

When commodity prices skyrocket again — and they will in 3 months time, due to the oil prices going through the roof! – there will be a major crash in food industry, just as economists predicted. Most stores will close and only a few supermarkets will be able to pay for supplies.

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