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Build the Perfect Home Gym on a Budget


A growing market for fitness and with a larger number of people becoming aware of their health, professional gyms have hiked their prices beyond a general person’s budget and reach. Banking on the idea of fitness and health, expensive gyms have left many people unable to join or sign up.

Unless you happen to have injuries or require a trainer at a professional center for a particular reason, then working out at home can be beneficial in many ways.

Home gyms can be equipped with basic gym equipment and you don’t always need the professional gym equipment to stay fit. Body building and fitness can be done right at home. But if you wish to build a small gym at home, you can do so by equipping it with the basic requirements.

This will save you the pocket burning monthly gym fees and can also save you traveling time.

How It’s Done:

Begin your home gym plans with the floor and the mat. Invest in a mirror and flooring meant for workouts – this needs to be flat and sturdy; if you have space to isolate for your gym at home then even better. Make it your personal corner.

Set Your Budget

It’s important that you set a budget first before your gym splurge. Make a list of the equipment you would want to use. Ideally, get equipment keeping your entire body in mind – what would aid you in your workouts for each muscle group and parts of your body.

Set a budget next and buy accordingly. The aim is to get fit not broke!

Cardio Equipment

For muscle agility and cardio, opt for equipment-free exercises. Calisthenics provide a very strong alternative along with high intensity cardio workout and Pilates form a very strong combination. By simply using a flat space, back and free weights you can include many core workouts as well as compound movements to your routine like squats, squat jumps that also work your legs, push-ups and pull ups, crunches and shoulder press.

Choosing Your Equipment

You know your body better than anyone else. Pick your equipment according the workout you think you will enjoy doing and that will ensure your body is pushed and able to grow. If you’re not used to doing heavy weights then make sure you have a range of weights to allow you to adapt your workouts. There are some things you can pick within budget that are good investments and can be used in multiple ways:

  • A strength bench
  • A set of dumbbells
  • Resistance rope
  • Abs-roller
  • Push up bars
  • A pull up bar
  • An Olympic bar with bumper plates

Other optional equipment that you could invest in are:

  • A resistance ball
  • More weights if you prefer extended muscle growth
  • A cardio cycle or a treadmill.

Arranging The Equipment

Something we often tend to ignore is the arrangement of the new equipment. Aesthetics come to occupy an important part in our daily life. Spend some time in deciding how you would want to set all your equipment, keeping in mind the space required to use each piece of equipment and space for warming up too.

After your initial investment, if you like, you can always add more equipment monthly, but keep in mind to not jam or fill the room with equipment so that it becomes difficult to use or workout in. As long as you can keep your core exercises in mind and workout accordingly, you possibly wouldn’t even require the aforementioned equipment.

About The Author

Kevin Hodges loves to give help and advice to anyone who wants to listen. He’s not a certificated professional trainer, but has been working out and involved with fitness for most of his life – starting at an early age with sports teams, to graduating to the gym and physical training as he got older.

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