Home / Abs After 40 / 3 Tips to Boost Your Testosterone Naturally (Start Now)


3 Tips to Boost Your Testosterone Naturally (Start Now)


In the next few minutes, you’ll learn how you can add muscle and burn fat quickly regardless of gym experience –
and it’s also been nicely packaged for you in this video <= click to watch now


Even if you’re past 40 and don’t have the testosterone like you used to in your 20’s, you’ll learn exactly how you can reap the benefits so that you see progress like when you were younger.

How is this possible if testosterone is the most important hormone in the male body…and you’re making less now than you’ve ever made?

It’s possible because you’re going to get the 3 most important secrets for a man past 40 to begin producing higher levels of T.

You see , there are specific items that promote healthy testosterone production and there are other items that promote estrogen production…which is bad for testosterone.

The reason you want the nutrients for healthy testosterone production is because testosterone doesn’t just help you build muscle –

  • Sex Drive (including erection ability and firmness)
  • Bone Mass (which will diminish without testosterone)
  • Fat Distribution (you need fat…we’ll cover that later)
  • Red Blood Cell Production (which delivers oxygen to your body)

Practically every part of your life is affected by testosterone – women are also drawn to a man with higher levels of testosterone subconsciously.

So, if you’re over 40, how do you produce more testosterone?

You can give yourself the advantage of higher testosterone by following these three tips:

#1 – Physical Training: Any type of training, provided it is done properly, is better than no training at all – but the most beneficial is resistance training, or using weights or a rubber band to provide resistance against the contraction of your muscles.

The best resistance training involves multiple muscle groups, also known as a ‘compound movement.’ The three most effective compound movements, because they involve so many muscle groups, are the deadlift, squat and bench press. All of which are demonstrated through Abs After 40.

#2 – Nutrition: The hype for the past 25 years has been ‘fat free’ or ‘cholesterol free’ foods, but this doesn’t help you because your body needs certain types of healthy fats and cholesterol in order for your body to make testosterone.

First Vitamin D, which you get primarily from the sun, is one of the required ingredients for testosterone…and most men are deficient in it because of so much time spent indoors resulting in the lack of sun.

Secondly, hops, the kind used for brewing beer, are on the list of things that contribute to estrogen production due to the plant’s phytoestrogen. This is bad for men because high estrogen inhibits your testosterone production. With high estrogen, you get man boobs and belly fat.

#3 – Sleep: Why is it recommended that you get 8 hours of sleep?

Your body burns the most fat and produces the most testosterone when you sleep, but only when you get into the REM cycle.

On average it takes you 4 hours to hit REM. The remaining 4 hours are when you max your testosterone production and fat burning.

All three of these tips are highly detailed to give you the fastest possible transformation in Abs After 40…Compound Movements, 12 Week Nutrition System, and How to Get Better Sleep.

Abs After 40 is the easiest journey from where you are now to a stronger, more ripped, more alpha!

Start Abs After 40 Today

But what’s even better is what you’ll look like for Spring Break…and what you’ll look like by Memorial Day when the shirt comes off and the abs come out!

Now, this time of year is the best to get started, get your new routine going…it’s better to be one step ahead than two steps behind.

When you have a system that gives you access wherever you are with:

  • perfectly demonstrated movements
  • clearly defined information regarding nutrition
  • the secrets of how simple items like sleep affect your testosterone production

…it’s easier to keep the commitment you made to yourself and get the body you want!

Did you know that over 90% of people give up on their resolution and end up gaining all the weight back?

The reason they stop is because there is more to getting the body they want than just working out…there is the nutrition part (and the Abs After 40 Nutrition System is impressive in both taste and saving time) and the connection with the mind, including sleep.

It’s hard enough to find a dedicated program for guys over 40, but if you don’t see the results quick enough, you’ll lose focus and motivation…leading to another broken promise.

If you want to get a jump start on building lean muscle and finally losing belly fat, this is the most comprehensive system for you, guaranteed:

=> Free Video – Abs After 40 <=

Because Abs After 40 is designed for men over the age of 40, you’ll reduce your risk for injury and you’ll boost your testosterone naturally which will increase your muscle size, definition which will also burn belly fat much faster.


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