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Choosing the Right Bodybuilding Workout Routine


After making the decision to work towards the goal to pack on some lean muscle mass, the next step is coming up with a few bodybuilding workout routines that you can use to help you reach that end goal.

Many people often search out various bodybuilding forums for different bodybuilding workout routines but struggle with finding the one that’s right for them.

Fortunately, if you know a few of the key must-haves of any of the bodybuilding workout routines that you need to check for, you can ensure that the one that you choose is going to deliver.

Let’s have a quick peak at what you must have in place with any of the bodybuilding workout routines you use.

An Overloading Stimulus

The very first thing that you’re going to need to have in place with your bodybuilding workout routines is an overloading stimulus.  Making sure that you’re stressing a muscle with more weight than it’s used to will be one of the critical things in getting it to grow stronger and bigger than it was before.

Those who don’t supply this overloading stimulus aren’t going to see the strength gains that they’d desire simply because their body won’t really see a reason to change.

After all, if it can easily handle whatever it is that you’re dishing out to it, why should it grow any stronger?

Obviously this just won’t be a priority.

A High Enough Workout Frequency

The second must-have in any of the bodybuilding workout routines you look at is a high enough workout frequency.  It’s time to do away with those body part split routines that bodybuilders used back in the day.

Now you want to place your focus on full body workout sessions or upper/lower split sessions.  These are the ones that are going to help you work more muscle fibers at once and move one step closer to reaching your end goal.

Body part split programs simply don’t offer a high enough training frequency to see best results, so they’re not the most effective route to go.

At minimum you want to be working each muscle at least twice per week, so choose bodybuilding workout routines that do this.

Compound Movements

Moving on to the third requirement of your bodybuilding workout routines you have compound movements.  Just like the body part splits are a thing of the past, so are ‘pump n tone’ workout sessions. 

Doing just a series of isolation movements is really not going to bring about the results that you’re looking for because they don’t evoke a great growth hormone response in the body.

Instead, focus on movements that work more than one muscle group at once.

This would include exercises such as bench press, squats, bent over rows, shoulder press, and deadlifts.

These are the ‘king exercises’ that will totally transform your body.

You can add one or two isolation exercises to these if you choose but they should never make up the vast majority of your workout program.

Plenty Of Rest

Finally, the last must-have for your bodybuilding workout routines is rest.  Remember, the body only grows stronger when you’re resting so unless you’re giving it that down time it needs, you will not be making progress forward.

Aim to have at least one day off each week, if not two so that you can make a full recovery.  If you skip over the rest period, you’re just going to be breaking the muscles down further and further with each workout session that you do.

So there you have the top things to look for with your bodybuilding workout routines.  Make sure these are in place and you can be guaranteed to be on the road to progress.

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