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Best Home Workout Routine For Fast Fitness

Bodyweight Only Home Workout Routine

In this post I am going to talk about a home workout program that I use, in the hope that my experience can help you decide whether it is suitable for you or not.

It’s called The Muscle Experiment Bodyweight Workout.

Who and what is this home workout suitable for?

  • Men
  • Women
  • Muscle building
  • Fat loss
  • Increased fitness
  • Sculpting a lean “beach body” type physique
  • More energy and motivation in life

What does it involve?

The program comes in the format of an information packed PDF guide.

The bulk of the guide is the workout programs, which do not require any fancy equipment or a gym membership. They can all be done from home and all you need is your own bodyweight.

You get 20 workout programs in total, which range from 5 minute to 40 minute workouts designed for specific goals of fat burning, muscle building, abs toning etc.

There are pre-designed 30 day, 60 day and 90 day workouts for you to use and you can also mix and match the workouts to best suit your own goals.

A key aspect of the workout program is that you are continously mixing up the exercises and workouts used. This ensures that your body does not have time to adapt to the system to make sure the fat loss and muscle building continues.

What I really liked

I felt that I had received really good value for money just by reading the first section, even before reaching the workouts. The sections on motivation, supplements, dieting and sleeping were all very good reads in their own right.

I especially liked the motivational section as it really got me pumped up about taking on these workouts. It also puts things into perspective about what is important in life and by simply doing something that you enjoy like exercising daily, you can get a lot of happiness from it.

The variety of the exercises also really impressed me. In addition to the classics such as push-ups and squats, you also get exercises specific to muscle toning such as different types of “Planks” and swivel type push-ups etc.

I also like the isometric holds, which means you hold an exercise position for a certain amount of time instead of doing reps. The isometric holds are great for strengthening the core and enhancing muscle tone.

What I would improve

There is not much to complain about really, but if I was to pick a few things to include, I would like to see some more meal plans laid out in the diet section. There is a very valuable resource in there of the types of food to eat each day, but would be good to see more recipes that put these foods together.

Also, a number of the exercises use exercise straps, which I don’t currently own (but I intend to soon). This was not a problem as I just switched some exercises around, but would be good to have alternatives already provided in these cases.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I recommend The Muscle Experiment Bodyweight Workout. I own it and would not recommend anything that I did not think would work. It is a very valuable bodyweight workout resource that you will be able to refer to time and time again.

Just don’t get overwhelmed with the quantity of workouts on offer. Stick to a few basic workouts using the pre-designed workout plans and then pick and chose other workouts to mix it up as you go along.

Check it out at https://www.the-muscle-experiment.com.

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