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5 weird bodyweight exercises that will get you having FUN in your training again

bodyweight exercises

Have you considered bodyweight exercises yet ?

Do you consider yourself a part of the "herd"…the people who grind away at their training (because that's what they've been told to do) even when they aren't getting results and aren't having fun? 

Of course not!

You train hard and you're not afraid to try out new exercises and training techniques, as long as they can get you RESULTS.

And yeah, having FUN with your training is a BIG part of it, too.

So on that note, I've got 5 weird new bodyweight exercises to share with you today, from "The Mad Scientist of Muscle" Nick Nilsson.

Nick is well known for his creativity (and insanity, to be quite frank!) when it comes to training and these exercises certainly fit the bill. They're very effective (and fun!) and solve some of the biggest problems you might run into when it comes to bodyweight training.

Check out these 5 "Mad Scientist" bodyweight exercises here…


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