4-Point Transversus Abdominis Vacuum
This exercise is great for isolating the transverse
abdominis, for correcting "pooch belly," and
reconnecting with the nervous system. It is particularly
valuable for pre-surgery preparation and post-surgery
In surgical procedures such as caesarean
section and hernia, the muscles, nerves, and tissues are
cut, causing a loss of neurological impulse (your brain
tries to call your muscles to wake them up, but the
muscles don't answer!). Lack of neural drive to the core
muscles is one reason for the belly hanging out. Certain
exercises can help reconnect the nervous and muscular
systems so your "pooch belly" gets the message from the
brain loud and clear and pulls those muscles in.
NOTE: Using a dowel rod can help you
keep good neutral exercise posture and provide
biofeedback (as the rod touches different parts of your
body, it makes you aware of your body position). If you
use the dowel technique, place the rod along your spine,
making sure the back of your head, upper back, and
tailbone are in contact with the rod.
Position: Get down on all fours as
though you were going to crawl. Place your hands
directly underneath your shoulders and your knees
directly underneath your hips.
o Inhale and allow the transverse
abdominis to hang out towards the floor.
o Exhale, drawing the belly button in toward the spine.
o Avoid any spinal movement during this exercise such as
contracting the glutes, hamstrings, or external
Horse Stance Vertical
The first exercise in the Horse Stance
series is the Horse Stance Vertical, which integrates
the stabilizer muscles of your spinal column with the
other muscles of the inner unit. It targets the inner
unit (multifidus, pelvic floor, transverse abdominis,
Position: Get down on all fours with
your hands directly underneath your shoulders and your
elbows slightly bent.Your knees should be directly
underneath your hips at a 90-degree angle.
o Raise your left hand and right knee
approximately one centimeter off the ground (that's
about the thickness of the sheet of paper-look closely
at the center photograph and you will see the hand
slightly off the matt. The right knee is also raised
slightly off the matt, although it cannot be seen in the
photograph). Hold this position for 10 seconds.
o Repeat with the right hand and left
o Alternate back and forth until you have done the
exercise for a total of 2 minutes. To help you with
proper exercise duration, use a kitchen timer.
o Do not let your hamstrings flex the lower leg toward
the ceiling. Ensure that your pelvis does not shift into
the hip that is in contact with the ground.
Pelvic Tilt
This exercise increases lower abdominal
muscle control, including the transverse abdominis.
These are important muscles to integrate to eliminate
pooch belly.
Position: Lie on your back on an
exercise matt or comfortable surface with your feet
about 6-8 inches away from your gluteus maximus
o Contract the lower abdominals and
gently press your lower back toward the floor.
o Release the contraction.
o Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.
Avoid contracting your rectus abdominis
(your six-pack muscles) while doing this integration
exercise. This exercise can be very difficult at the
beginning, so have patience.
Optional: If you have one, you can also
use a blood pressure cuff for good biofeedback. Place
the cuff beneath your back directly under your belly
button and pump the cuff to 40 mm Hg. Take a deep
diaphragmatic breath and, slowly exhaling, draw your
belly button in toward your spine. Contract your lower
abdominals so the blood pressure cuff reads 70 mm Hg. If
you do not have access to a blood pressure cuff, just
fold a towel until it is the thickness of your hand and
place it under your lower back. When your skin comes in
contact with the towel, it will send a signal to the
brain about how hard you are pushing down.
Remember� Avoid all rectus abdominis
involvement in this exercise.
Heel Slides
NOTE: This exercise requires a blood
pressure cuff.
Heel slides are a great integration
exercise for the inner unit, lower abdominals, and lower
extremities (your outer unit).
Position: Lie supine (back down, face
up) on the floor with your shoes off. Bend your hips and
knees, placing your heels about 8 inches from the
buttocks. Keep your spine in a neutral position. Place a
blood pressure cuff under your lumbar spine. Pump the
blood pressure cuff up to 40 mm Hg and take a deep
diaphragmatic breath.
o Slowly exhale and draw your belly
button in toward your spine.
o Exhale and then slowly slide the left leg out, away
from the starting position. There should be very little
movement of the blood pressure cuff needle. If the
pressure on the cuff begins to increase or decrease by
more than 5 mm Hg, stop the movement and slide your leg
back to the beginning position. Make a note of the
distance. The distance is now your ending point.
The goal is to extend your leg further
out without the blood pressure cuff changing its
reading. The further you can extend your leg, the better
the integration of your inner unit and outer unit.
o Repeat for the opposite leg.
o Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.
Try to achieve 10 reps at a slow pace
for each leg. Do not rush this exercise!
Do this exercise daily until you can alternate sliding
each leg in and out, keeping the blood pressure cuff at
40 mm Hg.
Firm and Flatten
Your Abs
Picture Yourself With The
Firm, Flat,
Fat-Free Waistline You've Always Wanted
Imagine how good it would feel to see the pounds slide
off your body while your newly sculpted abdominal
muscles become visible for the very first time...
Imagine how it would feel to if nothing "jiggled"
(Unless it was supposed to!)
Imagine being eager to wear a swimsuit at every
opportunity rather than being embarrassed into seclusion
or hiding under layers of bulky clothing...
Imagine how good it would sound to hear compliments from
others (especially the opposite sex) about how great you
look - instead of always being self-conscious and
worried about what others think...
Imagine getting rid of low back pain forever! (and if
you're lucky enough to be pain free already - imagine
staying that way your entire life right into old age)...
Believe it or not, now you can! Right here on this web
page, you will learn how to finally get the slim,
fat-free waistline you've always wanted:
http://flattenyourabs.net today for more details !